Advisory Board and Scientific Council meeting

November 17, 2021

During the EMPHNET 7th Regional in Amman, the International Academy of Public Health (IAPH) held a joint meeting of its Advisory Board and Scientific Council. The meeting was held on November 16th, 2021, and the distinguished members attended both in-person and virtually.

Dr. Mohannad Al-Nsour, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, and Prof. Zuhair Al-Sebai, Co-chairperson of the Advisory Board, started the meeting with introductory statements and welcomed the participants

Afterward, Dr. Haitham Bashier, IAPH Executive Director, provided updates on IAPH progress since the last meeting.

Dr. Elshiekh Badr, a member of the Advisory Board, presented the academy's upcoming activities. The distinguished members discussed the advancement and subsequent steps and provided feedback and recommendations.

The meeting was effectively concluded with remarks from the Scientific Council Chairperson, Dr. Faris Lami, Prof. Zuhair Al-Sebai, and Dr. Mohannad Al-Nsour.

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