Anti Microbial Resistance

Chairperson for the Specialty Committee of Anti Microbial Resistance
Specialty Committees Members

Dr. Asem Shehabi
Asem Shehabi

Dr. Manal Younus

Dr. Salma Afifi
Dr. Salma is the senior medical epidemiologist and public health consultant for Egypt Ministry of Health and Population and World Health Organization, Egypt country Office. She is a former employee of the US Naval Medical Research Unit No.3. and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She has Bachelor of Medicine from Cairo University, master’s degree of Epidemiology, Diploma of Occupational Health from Ain-Shams University in Cairo and FETP certificate from CDC, USA. She has participated in establishing FETPs at EMR, implementing surveillance systems and Rapid Response Teams in 10 countries in EMR. Her research focuses on respiratory infections, meningitis, viral hepatitis, healthcare associated infections and antimicrobial resistance, surveillance of communicable diseases and community-based interventions. She has published more than 20 articles in international journals and serving as associate editor for BMC Public Health Journal and a reviewer for many international peer reviewed journals.

Prof. Rima Moghnieh
Prof. Rima Moghnieh, an infectious disease specialist and researcher, has been practicing medicine in Lebanon since 1996. She has assumed leadership positions in Infection Prevention and Control and in Antimicrobial Stewardship in several tertiary care hospitals in Lebanon. Dr. Moghnieh is the head of COVID-19 Unit and COVID-19 Vaccination Center at Makassed General Hospital in Beirut. She is the former president of the Lebanese Society for Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (LSIDCM). Dr. Moghnieh is an active member of the LSIDCM COVID-19 Taskforce. Since 2018, she has been appointed by the World Health Organization as a part-time consultant to develop the National Action Plan for the control of antimicrobial resistance in several Middle Eastern countries including Lebanon, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Libya, Tunisia and Somalia. Dr. Moghnieh has co-authored over 30 publications in peer-reviewed journals. Among her scholarly work is her leadership in publishing national clinical guidelines with the LSIDCM members for management of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia in adults, febrile neutropenia in the context of antimicrobial resistance, urinary tract infections and complicated intra-abdominal infections. Dr. Moghnieh is a principal co-author of the interim treatment guidelines for SARS-CoV-2 infection proposed by the LSIDCM COVID-19 Taskforce. Dr. Moghnieh's research interest is multidisciplinary where she has principally co-authored several papers in various fields of Infectious Diseases, Infection Prevention and Control in hospitals, Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship.