Global Health

Chairperson for the Specialty Committee of Global Health
Specialty Committees Members

Dr. Ayat Abu Agela
Dr. Ayat Abu Agela

Prof. Hamid Soori
Prof. Hamid Soor

Dr. Ibrahim Bani
Dr. Ibrahim Bani

Dr. Andy Beckingham
Since developing the world’s first framework for measuring health outcomes in 1993, AB has worked in Public Health for 28 years, 17 of them as a Consultant, was a Director of Public Health, and was lead for London’s end-of-life care strategy. In 2020 he was Project lead for the UK’s national programme to develop comprehensive induction for every new overseas doctor starting work in the National Health Service. AB’s work has included leading or contributing to policy, strategy, development, assessments, epidemiology and health leadership in the UK and at national, State, and institution levels in or with five low- or medium-income countries.
AB is a Faculty Advisor and epidemiology editor for Journal of Public Health, and leads research on the effectiveness and impact of a new midwifery profession which he co-designed in 2011, introducing for the first time in India systematically compassionate respectful, woman-centred midwifery care and choices for women.
In 2018 AB drafted the standards for one country’s medical education and the assessment tool to measure them, and is advising on the reshaping of the country’s midwifery education standards. He developed curriculum in or with three countries and wrote Public Health Master's degree modules for a medium-income country. In late 2018 and early 2019, working at the health ministry and with the medical council of Sudan, he co-drafted new career pathways for the allied health professions, plus a proposed new national CPD system for the medical and other health professions. AB is an active member of the Faculty’s Sudan Special Interest Group, and was awarded the Faculty of Public Health President’s Medal for Outstanding Service to Public Health in 2021.