Health Informatics

Chairperson for the Specialty Committee of Health Informatics
Specialty Committees Members

Prof. Hassan Ghazal
Pr. GHAZAL HASSAN is Associate Professor at the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research, Rabat and Adjunct Professor at the University Mohammed VI of Health Sciences, Casablanca, Morocco. President of the Moroccan Society for Telemedicine and eHealth. Former Board member at the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth.
Coordinator for Morocco at the H3 (Human Health and Heredity) African Bioinformatics Network. Former board member observer for Morocco at the European Bioinformatics Network (Elixir). His research interests include Genomics, Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics.
Dr. Ghazal obtained a PhD in Molecular Biology/Genomics from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. Hold Masters in Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Medicine, Bioinformatics and International law. Postdocs in Genomics and Bioinformatics at the University of Delaware and the University of Southern Illinois.
Fulbright scholar at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), US National Institutes of Health. Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Bio-Medical Informatics and e-Health and The Moroccan Journal of Public Health. Member in Digital Health expert committees (WHO-EMRO Digital Health, WHO Regulatory Issues in AI4Health).

Dr. Amro Jamal
Dr. Amro Jamal

Dr. Huda Abu Saad Hujeir
Dr. Abu-Saad Huijer received her BSN from AUB and her Masters and PhD from the University of Florida, USA. Her career span includes professorial positions at the University of California, San Francisco, University of Maastricht, the Netherlands, University of Surrey UK, and more recently AUB. During her academic tenure in the Netherlands as head of the Nursing Science Program, she was instrumental in developing the MSN (offered at three universities in the Netherlands and in Switzerland) and PhD programs, and in establishing the Centre for Nursing Research. Since her appointment at AUB in 2003 she has launched the MSN, RN-BSN, (bridging degree), and BA/BS-BSN (second-degree) programs of study. More recently, she developed the PhD program in Nursing Science, which was launched academic year 2018-19. She coordinated the accreditation of both BSN and MSN programs by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) in the USA, making AUB School of Nursing the first school to be accredited by CCNE outside the US territories and the first School to become a regular member of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) in the USA.
Dr. Abu-Saad Huijer is a tenured full professor and Founding Dean of the Hariri School of Nursing at American University of Beirut. Her research endeavors have focused primarily on pain management and palliative care in children and adults. To that effect, she has supervised a large number of PhD dissertations and has been lead investigator on a large number of funded projects in the Netherlands and in Lebanon on pain management, palliative care, and integrated models of care for the chronically ill. Her research endeavors in Lebanon have focused primarily on pain management & palliative care in adults and children. She is currently a lead investigator on a number of national projects and has published more than 300 articles in national & international refereed and professional journals and two books, one of which is on ‘evidence-based palliative care across the life span’. Dr. Abu-Saad Huijer has served on a number of international expert committees, most recent of which is the WHO expert panel on palliative care in children and the Lancet Commission on Global Access to Pain Control and Palliative Care. At the national level, she served as President of the Lebanese Society for the Study of Pain and is currently the Vice-President of the National Committee on Pain Relief and Palliative Care. In recognition of her work, Dr. Abu-Saad Huijer was elected International Fellow to the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN) in 2010 and is a fellow and founding member of the European Academy of Nursing Science (FEANS).
Dr. Huijer received many awards & recognitions for her research work: Life Time Achievement Award from the McMillan Cancer Fund in London; Pioneers Award from the Order of Nurses in Lebanon; distinguished researcher award from the Scientific Society of Arab Nursing Faculties. She was also inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame, awarded the International Association for the Study of Pain Honorary membership, received the Princess Mona Regional Award for her significant contribution to the nursing profession, and recently received the National Center for Scientific Research career award for her lifetime research achievements and the AAAH (Asia-Pacific Action Alliance on Human Resources for Health) Recognition Award 2020 on her work in developing the healthcare workforce.
Dr. Abu-Saad Huijer was listed in 2020 among the world’s top 2 percent of scholars in her field.

Prof. Mohammad Ali" H. Eljinini
Dr. Mohammad Ali is the Dean of the Faculty of IT at Isra University. He is an Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems (CIS).
He earned his BSc and MSc in Computer Science from the USA, and his Ph.D. in Health Informatics from City University, London, UK. He has extensive experience in teaching for over 25 years. His research interests are in E-Health, E-Learning, Data/Text/Web Mining. Ontologies, Knowledge Extraction and Management, and the Semantic Web.